Oil and Gas
Hydrocarbons exploration is a new sector for Cyprus as the first exploration licence was issued in 2008.
We have a leading role in the oil and gas sector since its inception having been fully involved in advising the Operator of the first ever awarded production sharing contract and we have an enviable reputation for successfully supporting one of the two other Operators who have acquired licenses to drill in the Cyprus Economic Zone in 2013.
We have advised our clients on:-
- Bidding and negotiating for oil and gas production sharing contracts and licences
- Compliance of joint operating agreements, unitization agreements, shareholders’ agreements and farm-out agreements with Cyprus law
- Procurement issues
- Environmental Impact Assessment issues
- Natural gas regulatory regime, including LNG terminal
- project development
- Third party access
- Pipelines and related infrastructure
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Our firm is involved in the ongoing discussions relating to the LNG terminal to be built in Cyprus.